Inner Wisdom


"The person who rows in a boat uses effort, but the person who has intelligence to hoist a sailing boat uses the magic of nature" Alan Watts.

NeuroEducation, Neurolinguistic Programming, Gestalt, Systemic Pedagogy, Yoga & Meditation, Silence and Nature.

Resources and practices to explore and strengthen the ability to generate effective responses to educational complexity, to facilitate the teaching and learning process, the comprehensive development of students, in a relaxed and creative emotional atmosphere.

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By completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Become more aware of their impact on the development of students & society.
  • Get to know and use a wide range of  effective tools & thinking process to facilitate answers to the situations at school and classroom.
  • Connect with their own creative resources.
  • Learn how to look for solutions and improve their communication skills, analyse the problems from a systemic and systematic point of view and with Gestalt tecqniques.
  • Unblock patterns of thinking which we use on a daily basis & develop their pedagogical and communication skills.
  •  Improve students’ attention and concentration, teach them to manage their emotions, reduce anxiety and fatigue, reinforce their self-esteem and social skills, boost empathy and improve their academic experience.
  • Improve the perspectives and development opportunities of each student.

Inner Wisdom is an esperience. Practical exercises to contact and strengh the inner capacity to see clear the right answer: attitude, behaviour, communication or strategy needed to an issue. With brief  theory support and links to sources to fo deeper in knowledge.

Guided Meditations, Yoga, Meditation, Creative Expression, Body  and Silence wisdom practises, exercises from neurolinguistic programming...To do, feel and then be able to offer to students and the whole educative community. 

By completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the human condition in order to facilitate changes for a development with full potencial & to create a mutual-caring-culture based in awareness, love and peace.
  • Share simple & effective tools with educational community to design better lifes with wellbeing and in connection to inner strenghts to walk their personal path.
  • Begin a new life, connected with love, compassion, awareness and positive powerful influence in others.


Our Pricing

100% funded by the Erasmus+

400 person

Services included

  • Pre-arrival information.
  • Tuition & training materials.
  • Coffee break.
  • Training Certificate.
  • Europass Certificate.
  • Admin & organizational costs.
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