Project-Based Learning


Project-based learning involves facing complex tasks based on driving questions or real-world issues, engaging students in designing, solving problems, making decisions and conducting research tasks. As a teacher specialised in PBL, you will be able to give your students the possibility to work autonomously, guided in the process, for extended periods of time. Each project should be ending with a real product and/or public presentation and, furthermore, with an impact in their communities.

Throughout this course, you will incorporate the foundational concepts of Project Based Learning, gain practical skills (all hands on deck) and develop a PBL lesson plan or project to implement in your school/classroom. The main goal of this proposal is to empower you as a teacher with 21st century skills, sharing your experiences with teachers and professionals from other countries, and living a unique experience abroad.

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The participant:

  • has adequate knowledge to apply modern teaching methods in the classroom,
  • knows how to implement in his/her school the appropriate methodology learned during the project,
  • perceives the differences and similarities between the Spanish educational system and the educational system in his/her home country,
  • knows and applies different methods to increase students' interest in the topic discussed,
  • knows how to adapt his/her teaching method to the audience,
  • knows what project-based learning is, how, why and when to use it,
  • understands and identifies the six “A’S” of PBL: authenticity; academic rigor; applied learning; active exploration; adult connections; assessment,
  • understands the difference between projects and PBL,
  • knows the benefits of collaborative and teamwork for the 21st century,
  • has adequate knowledge regarding the use of their classroom physical space, new approaches to connect with parents and creating ground breaking initiatives for their school,
  • knows the benefits of providing “voice and choice” with continuous feedback to their students.


The participant knows how to:

  • use their own experience in working with students,
  • choose and implement the best teaching methods used in Spain,
  • teach in an active, varied and interesting way,
  • identify the topic the students are working on in their lessons,
  • evaluate the quality of teaching,
  • distinguish between different teaching methods,
  • design and deliver a PBL unit plan including assessment and feedback,
  • come up with and create resources based on collaborative and innovation techniques for everyday challenges,
  • motivate students, detect and assist learning necessities,
  • take advantage of ICT in order to promote digital co-creation and teamwork,
  • use digital classroom tools such as Google Drive shared folders and files and collaboration software (Docs, Presentations, Sites and Jamboard),
  • implement PechaKucha format and software to create visual and oral public presentations.

We will use a mixture between theoretical and workshops training based on real-life examples. Different strategies (such as Flipped Classroom and Project Based Learning itself) enable the participants to develop and to create their solutions for their own professional needs and the needs of their students. During the course, they will have the opportunity to learn (and also teach) alongside other colleagues from different countries and discuss their own projects and experiences.

The course includes both individual and team work. Throughout the classroom sessions, maximum advantage is taken of tools such as the interactive screen for projecting videos and digital material, and the tables and chairs for setting up the furniture (in the form of an auditorium, forum, coworking, etc.), generating different interchange situations. We will be learning by doing both on laptops with specific software as well as with analogical materials such as markers, post-its, whiteboards, and poster boards.

One day of the week, a didactic outing called "Museums Day" is proposed, where emblematic spaces of the city are visited –related to the subject of the course and the speciality of the teachers– in order to encourage creativity, connections and exchanges with the local area.


  • demonstrates readiness to teach and be active and takes initiative,
  • has a sound knowledge of the work in a vocational training center,
  • has knowledge of teaching in a foreign language,
  • shows sufficient self-confidence to predict which activities will be positively received by the group,
  • approaches all activities with a good mood and positive attitude, as he/she understands how this can affect the mood and abilities of the students,
  • has the necessary skills to evaluate different teaching methods,
  • has the ability to understand and test the potential of project-based learning,
  •  feels empowered to create innovative solutions applying the methods and mindsets of PBL to their work,
  • will increase their confidence to change from “teacher” to “coach”,
  • will be able to detect opportunities to work for change in their communities,
  • comes up with ideas for planning courses and a groundbreaking environment that they want and need.


Our Pricing

100% funded by the Erasmus+

400 person

Services included

  • Pre-arrival information.
  • Tuition & training materials.
  • Coffee break.
  • Training Certificate.
  • Europass Certificate.
  • Admin & organizational costs.
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